Shakhawat, M.K., Gelda, R.K., Moore, K.E., Mukundan, R., Lanzarini-Lopes, M., McBeath, S., Guzman, C.D. and Reckhow, D., 2024. Impact of Storm Events on Disinfection Byproduct Precursors in a Drinking Water Source in the Northeastern United States. Water Research, p.121445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2024.121445
Marques, A.C., Veras, C.E., Kumpel, E., Tobiason, J.E. and Guzman, C.D., 2023. Assessment of nutrients and conductivity in the Wachusett Reservoir watershed: An investigation of land use contributions and trends. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2023.07.004
Mhiret, D.A., Dersseh, M.G., Guzman, C.D., Dagnew, D.C., Abebe, W.B., Zimale, F.A., Zaitchik, B.F., Tilahun, S.A., Walraevens, K. and Steenhuis, T.S., 2022. Topography Impacts Hydrology in the Sub-Humid Ethiopian Highlands. Water, 14(2), p.196. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14020196
Soper, J.J., Guzman, C.D., Kumpel, E., Tobiason, J.E. 2021. Long-term analysis of road salt loading and transport in a rural drinking water reservoir watershed. J. Hydrol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127005
Womber, Z.R., Zimale, F.A., Kebedew, M.G., Asers, B.W., DeLuca, N.M., Guzman, C.D., Tilahun, S.A., Zaitchik, B.F. 2021. Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration from Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurement over Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Advances in Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9948780
Knighton, J.O., Hondula, K., Sharkus, C., Guzman, C.D., Elliot, R., 2021. Flood risk behaviors of United States riverine metropolitan areas are driven by local hydrology and shaped by race. PNAS, 118 (13) e2016839118 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2016839118
Knighton, J.O., Buchanan, B., Guzman, C.D., Elliott, R., White, E., Rahm, B., 2020 Predicting flood insurance claims with hydrologic and socioeconomic demographics via machine learning: Exploring the roles of topography, minority populations, and political dissimilarity. J. Environ. Manage. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111051
Mhiret, D.A., Dagnew, D.C., Guzman, C.D., Alemie, T.C., Zegeye, A.D., Tebebu, T.Y., Langendoen, E.J., Zaitchik, B.F., Tilahun, S.A., Steenhuis, T.S. 2020. A nine-year study on the benefits and risks of soil and water conservation practices in the humid highlands of Ethiopia: The Debre Mawi watershed, J. Environ. Manage., 270, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110885.
Steenhuis, T.S., Tilahun, S.A., Collick, A.S., Zimale, F.A., Guzman, C.D., Moges, M.,
Nicholson, C., Enku, T., Pell, A.N., 2020. Intricacies of an effective global “rooted” collaboration in soil and water research. Geoderma.
Hassanpour, B., Riazi, S.F., Menzies Pluer, E.G., Geohring, L.D., Guzman, C.D., Steenhuis, T.S. 2020. Biochar acting as an electron acceptor reduces nitrate removal in woodchip denitrifying bioreactors. Ecol. Eng., 149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.105724
Mhiret, D.A., Dagnew, D.C., Alemie, T.C., Guzman, C.D., Tilahun, S.A., Zaitchik, B.F., Steenhuis, T.S. 2019. Impact of Soil Conservation and Eucalyptus on Hydrology and Soil Loss in the Ethiopian Highlands. Water, 11, 2299. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w11112299
Muñoz, E., Guzman, C., D., Medina, Y., Boll, J.;,Parra, V., Arumí, J.L. 2019. An Adaptive Basin Management Rule to Improve Water Allocation Resilience under Climate Variability and Change—A Case Study in the Laja Lake Basin in Southern Chile. Water, 11, 1733. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11081733
Guzman, C.D., Hoyos Villada, F., Da Silva, M., Zimale, F.A., Chirinda, N., Botero Vargas, C.A., Morales Vargas, A., Rivera, B., Moreno, P., Steenhuis, T.S. 2019. Variability of Soil Surface Characteristics in A Mountainous Watershed in Valle Del Cauca, Colombia: Implications for Runoff, Erosion, and Conservation. J Hydrol. 575: 273-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.002
Guzman, C.D. 2019. Hillslope sediment transport across climates and vegetative influences. Geology ; 47 (5): 495–496. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/focus052019.1
Ochoa‐Tocachi, B.F., Alemie, T., Guzman, C.D., Tilahun, S.A., Zimale, F.A., Buytaert, W. and Steenhuis, T.S., 2018. Sensitivity Analysis of the Parameter‐Efficient Distributed (PED) Model for Discharge and Sediment Concentration Estimation in Degraded Humid Landscapes. Land Degrad. Dev. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3202
Givens, J.E., Padowski, J., Guzman, C.D., Malek, K., Witinok-Huber, R., Cosens, B., Briscoe, M., Boll, J., Adam, J., 2018. Incorporating Social System Dynamics in the Columbia River Basin: Food-Energy-Water Resilience and Sustainability Modeling in the Yakima River Basin. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6, 104. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00104
Zegeye, A.D., Langendoen, E.J., Guzman, C.D., Dagnew, D.C., Tilahun, S.A., Steenhuis, T.S. (2018) Gullies, A Critical Link in Landscape Soil Loss: A Case Study in the Sub-Humid Highlands of Ethiopia. Land Degrad Dev. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.2875
Guzman, C.D., Tilahun, S.A., Zegeye, A. D., Yitaferu, B., Kay, R.W., Nagle, G.N., Steenhuis, T.S. (2018) Developing Soil Conservation Strategies with Technical And Community Knowledge in a Degrading Sub-Humid Mountainous Landscape. Land Degrad Develop. doi: 10.1002/ldr.2733.
Guzman, C.D., Tilahun, S.A., Dagnew, D.C., Zimale, F.A., Zegeye, A. D., Boll, J., Parlange, J-.Y., Steenhuis, T.S. (2017) Spatio-temporal Patterns of Groundwater Depths and Soil Nutrients in a Small Watershed in the Ethiopian Highlands: Topographic and Land Use Controls. J Hydrol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.09.060
Dagnew, D.C., Guzman, C.D., Akal, A.T., Tebebu, T.Y., Zegeye, A.D., Mekuria, W., Tilahun, S. A., Steenhuis, T.S. (2017) Effects of Land Use on Catchment Runoff and Soil Loss in the Sub-Humid Ethiopian Highlands. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecohyd.2017.07.004
Zimale, F.A., Tilahun, S.A., Tebebu, T.Y., Guzman, C.D., Hoang, L., Schneiderman, E.M., Langendoen, E.J., Steenhuis, T.S. (2017) Improving Watershed Management Practices in Humid Regions. Hydrol Process. doi: 10.1002/hyp.11241
Guzman, C. D., Zimale, F.A., Tebebu, T. Y., Bayabil, H. K., Tilahun, S. A., Yitaferu, B., Rientjes, T. H. M., Steenhuis, T. S. (2017) Modeling Discharge and Sediment Concentration After Landscape Interventions in a Humid Monsoon Climate: The Anjeni Watershed in the Highlands of Ethiopia. Hydrol Process. doi: 10.1002/hyp.11092.
Guzman, C.D., Tilahun S.A., Dagnew, D.C., Zegeye A.D., Tebebu, T.Y., Yitaferu, B., Steenhuis T.S. (2017) Modeling sediment concentration and discharge variations in a small Ethiopian watershed with contributions from an impermeable road. J Hydrol Hydromech. doi: 10.1515/johh-2016-0051.
Dagnew, D.C., Guzman, C.D., Zegeye, A.D., Akal, A. T., Moges, M. A., Tebebu, T.Y., Mekuria, W., Ayana, E.K., Tilahun, S. A., Steenhuis, T. S. (2016) Sediment loss patterns in the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands; the Debre Mawi catchments. Land Degrad. Develop. doi: 10.1002/ldr.2643.
Tilahun, S. A., Ayana, E. K., Guzman, C. D., Dagnew, D. C., Zegeye, A. D., Tebebu, T. Y., Yitaferu, B., Steenhuis, T. S. (2016) Revisiting Storm Runoff Processes in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: The Debre Mawi Watershed. Catena. 143, 47-56. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2016.03.029
Zegeye, A.D., Langendoen, E.J., Stoof, C.R., Tilahun, S.A., Dagnew, D.C., Zimale, F.A., Guzman, C.D., Yitaferu, B., Steenhuis, T.S. (2016). Morphological dynamics of gully systems in the sub-humid Ethiopian Highlands: The Debre Mawi watershed. SOIL, 2:1-16. doi:10.5194/soil-2-443-2016.
Dagnew, D.C., Guzman, C.D., Zegeye, A.D., Tebebu, T.Y., Getaneh, M., Abate, S., Zemale, F., Ayana, E.K., Tilahun, S. A., Steenhuis, T. S. (2015) Impact of conservation practices on runoff and soil loss in the sub-humid Ethiopian Highlands: The Debre Mawi watershed. J Hydrol. Hydromech. 63, 210-219. doi: 10.1515/johh-2015-0021.
Tebebu, T.Y. Steenhuis, T. S., Dagnew, D. C., Guzman, C. D., Bayabil, H. K., Zegeye, A. D., Collick, A. S., Langan, S., McAllister, C., Langendoen, E. J., and Tilahun, S. A. (2015) Improving efficacy of landscape interventions in the (sub)humid Ethiopian Highlands. Front Earth Sci. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00049.
Tilahun, S. A., Guzman, C.D., Zegeye, A. D., Dagnew, D.C., Collick, A. S., Yitaferu, B., Steenhuis, T.S. (2015) Distributed discharge and sediment concentration predictions in the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands: the Debre Mawi watershed. Hydrol. Process. 29: 1817–1828. doi:10.1002/hyp.10298.
Tilahun, S. A., Engda, T. A., Legesse, E. S., Guzman, C. D., Zegeye, A. D., Collick, A. S., Rimmer, A.,and Steenhuis, T. S. (2013) An efficient semi-distributed hillslope sediment model: the Anjeni in the sub humid Ethiopian Highlands. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 1051-1063, doi:10.5194/hessd-17-1051-2013.
Steenhuis, T. S., Hrncir, M., Poteau, D., Romero Luna, E., Tilahun, S., Caballero, L., Guzman C. D., Stoof, C, Sanda, M, Yitaferu, B, Cislerova, M. (2013) A saturated excess runoff pedo-transfer function for vegetated watersheds. Vadose Zone J., 12 (4). doi:10.2136/vzj2013.03.0060.
Guzman C.D., Tilahun S.A., Zegeye A.D., Steenhuis T.S. (2013) Suspended Sediment Concentration-Discharge Relationships in the Sub-Humid Ethiopian Highlands. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 1067-1077, doi:10.5194/hess-17-1067-2013.
Tilahun, S. A., Mukundan, R., Demisse, B. A., Guzman, C. D., Tarakegn, B. C., Engda, T. A., Easton, Z. M., Collick, A. S., Zegeye, A. D., Schneiderman E. M., Parlange, J.-Y., Steenhuis, T. S. (2013) A saturation excess erosion model. T. ASABE., 56(2):681-695.
Proceedings papers
Guzman, C.D., Tilahun, S.A., Zegeye, A. D., Yitaferu, B., Kay, R.W., Nagle, G.N., Steenhuis, T.S. (2012) Finding Eroding Areas and Patterns with GIS and Community Knowledge in the Ethiopian Highlands. Proceedings for the ITU/MEDFRIEND International Conference on Sediment Transport Modeling in Hydrological Watersheds and Rivers, Istanbul, Turkey.
Book Contributions
Tilahun, S.A., Guzman, C.D., Zegeye, A. D., Ayana, K. E., Collick, A. S., Yitaferu, B., Steenhuis, T.S. (2013) Chapter 9: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Soil Erosion in the Semi-humid Ethiopian Highlands: a case study of Debre Mawi Watershed. In: Melesse AM, Abtew W, and Setegn SG. (Eds) Nile River Basin: Ecohydrological Degradation, Climate Change and Hydropolitics. Springer.